Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo Attends MPP Anniversary and Amazed at Pekanbaru Civil Registration Service

PEKANBARU- Minister of Administrative Reforms Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB), Tjahjo Kumolo attended the peak of the 1st Anniversary (Pekanbaru) Public Service Mall (MPP) Pekanbaru City took place lively, Wednesday (11 March 2020). On that occasion Tjahjo Kumolo also inaugurated the Pekanbaru City Civil Registration Service.
The event took place in the MPP Pekanbaru courtyard and was attended by a number of officials, starting from the Ministry level to the Regional Government. On that occasion, the Mayor of Pekanbaru, Dr. Firdaus MT through his remarks opened the event to say that since the opening of the Public Service Mall (MPP) there has been an increase in services, both in the licensing and non-licensing fields.
Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo Attends MPP Anniversary and Amazed at Pekanbaru Civil Registration Service
"Since a year ago it opened, to this day there has been an increase in services, ranging from the amount of investment up 250 percent, from the project field up 80 percent, labor rose 60 percent," said Mayor of Pekanbaru, Dr Firdaus MT.
Dr. Firdaus MT conveyed that with the innovation in the field of service to the community in MPP, Pekanbaru City Government (Pemko) can serve hundreds to thousands of services in one day, so it is more efficient.
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"As for what we can report today, that usually one day service is only between 50 to 600 services. But in the past one month it could be from 1400 to 1500, next year we are able to serve up to 2500 targets, "said Mayor of Pekanbaru, Dr Firdaus MT.
As it is known, MPP Pekanbaru has 32 outlets with nearly 200 licensing and non-licensing services.
Meanwhile, Riau Governor Syamsuar, represented by Deputy Governor, Edy Natar, said that with MPP's age of one year, he hopes to provide convenience and comfort to the community in terms of licensing and non-licensing in Pekanbaru City.
Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo inaugurated the Civil Registration Service Office of Pekanbaru City
"The MPP concept which is the development of one-stop service is expected to provide quality services and facilitate the community," said Edy Natar.
Edy Natar said the realization of an integrated service system in Pekanbaru MPP could not be separated from the support of all parties and the development of innovation in the field of public services.
"Services integrated with a system are inseparable from the support of all parties as well as support for modern service innovation," said Edy Natar.
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On that occasion the Menpan-RB, Tjahjo Kumolo welcomed the presence of MPP Pekanbaru City. "Because bureaucratic reform is not only limited to shortening the bureaucracy but what about the existence of MPP can provide convenience and speed for service to the community," said Tjahjo Kumolo.
According to him, with an easy and fast service, this will have an impact on increasing investment in the region. "Because of the right licensing, investors can move quickly to bring economic growth in the region, and of course this will also have an impact on the country's economy," continued Tjahjo Kumolo.
Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo Attends MPP Anniversary and Amazed at Pekanbaru Civil Registration Service
The PANRB Ministry will always assist as needed in order to accelerate the construction of Public Service Malls both in provinces, districts, and cities. "In addition to providing assistance, we will also conduct periodic evaluations to see the effectiveness of the MPP that has been built," concluded Tjahjo Kumolo.
Of course Tjahjo Kumolo always reminded the regional government to continue to innovate. So that public services are getting better with existing and efficient innovation. (Adv)
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