Friday, Aug 07, 2020 | 03:42 pm LT
Impact of Plastic Surgery That Celebrity Did and its Effect on Beauty Standards - As we know, beauty standards have always been around, but the way a society determines their ideal of beauty, especially with a focus on women, constantly changes.
From different generations, decades, and from each country, there is a different idea of the term “beauty”.
Regardless of your age, people are going to be insecure about some areas surroundi....
Friday, Aug 07, 2020 | 03:42 pm LT
Impact of Plastic Surgery That Celebrity Did and its Effect on Beauty Standards - As we know, beauty standards have always been around, but the way a society determines their ideal of beauty, especially with a focus on women, constantly changes.
From different generations, decades, and from each country, there is a different idea of the term “beauty”.
Regardless of your age, people are going to be insecure about some areas surroundi...
Wednesday, Aug 05, 2020 | 04:22 pm LT
4 ways you can do to stay healthy and look young - To look youthful, you can use skin care products on the market. As we get older, collagen production in the body decreases. In addition, lack of rest and frequent exposure to sunlight can also cause the skin to look old.
Here are 4 ways you can do to stay healthy and look young!
1. Drink plenty of water
If you don't drink enough water, your body can become dehydrate...
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 | 09:37 am LT
Make Her Own Cosmetics, The Fate of the Woman from the United States Ends Tragic - A tragic incident just happened to a woman from Spain named, Marta Bustos. The woman who lives in Seattle, United States is experiencing blindness to both eyes when trying to make their own cosmetics at home.
Finally, Marta has to lose her eyesight for life. Now, he is reportedly looking for donors to undergo a corneal transplant.
1. Her eyes burned to the point of being blin...
Friday, Jul 17, 2020 | 04:30 pm LT
5 Things Happen to Your Body, If You Don't Drink Water - Many people think that it's bad to drink water during and right after a workout. But, will tell you what happens to your body, if you ignore to don't drink water.
1. You contribute to skin aging.
It's proven that sports have a rejuvenating effect on our skin. Thanks to the skin's blood flow cells get enriched with oxygen, collagen production increa...
Wednesday, Jul 15, 2020 | 09:10 am LT
5 Main Tips for Caring for Your Face, Newbie Can Also Sure - Having healthy, trouble-free skin is definitely your dream, right, Ladies? Of the many skincare tips available, you can follow simple but still effective skin care tips to maintain the following skin beauty.
1. Cleansing
The first skincare tips starting from cleansing routine is very important to keep skin free from various problems, one of which is to minimize acne so it does...
Sunday, Jul 12, 2020 | 11:15 pm LT
4 scientifically proven tips to help you achieve your dream body - How many times a year do you start a new diet? Does it really work? All you have to do is build simple habits to see the weight come off. Here are 4 scientifically proven tips to help you achieve your dream body.
1. If you don't like exercising, 30 minutes is enough
Good news, couch potatoes! Researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, have found that exerc...
Aug 07, 2020 | 03:42 pm LT
Impact of Plastic Surgery That Celebrity Did and i...
Aug 05, 2020 | 04:22 pm LT
4 ways you can do to stay healthy and look young...
Jul 18, 2020 | 09:37 am LT
Make Her Own Cosmetics, The Fate of the Woman from...
Jul 17, 2020 | 04:30 pm LT
5 Things Happen to Your Body, If You Don't Drink ...
Jul 15, 2020 | 09:10 am LT
5 Main Tips for Caring for Your Face, Newbie Can A...
Jul 12, 2020 | 11:15 pm LT
4 scientifically proven tips to help you achieve y...