Saturday, 15 Feb 2025
Residents Complain Rohul District General Hospital Rapid Test Fee  280 thousand IDR
Saturday, Jul 25, 2020 | 12:22 pm LT

Residents Complain Rohul District General Hospital Rapid Test Fee 280 thousand IDR - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has set the highest tariff limit for Rapid Test examination, for the detection of Corona Virus Disease in the amount of Rp150 thousand and stated in Circular Letter Number HK.02.02 / I / 2875/2020 concerning the Limitation of the Highest Rapid Test Rate for Antibodies, at its own request at the facility health services. But that d....
Residents Complain Rohul District General Hospital Rapid Test Fee  280 thousand IDR
Saturday, Jul 25, 2020 | 12:22 pm LT

Residents Complain Rohul District General Hospital Rapid Test Fee 280 thousand IDR - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has set the highest tariff limit for Rapid Test examination, for the detection of Corona Virus Disease in the amount of Rp150 thousand and stated in Circular Letter Number HK.02.02 / I / 2875/2020 concerning the Limitation of the Highest Rapid Test Rate for Antibodies, at its own request at the facility health services. But that d...
Patuh Lancang Kuning Operations in 2020
Wednesday, Jul 22, 2020 | 03:55 pm LT

Patuh Lancang Kuning Operations in 2020 - The Rokan Hulu Resort Police will conduct Operation Yellow Obedient Operation in 2020, to create security, safety, order and smooth traffic in the Rohul police jurisdiction from 23 July to 5 August 2020. zxc1 Andriyanto explained, there were 8 violation points or motorists' targets which were targeted by officers of the 2020 Yellow Compliance Operation, including, underage dri...
The Indonesian National Army Forces and the Indonesian National Police Asks Residents to Follow the Health Protocol
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2020 | 04:23 pm LT

The Indonesian National Army Forces and the Indonesian National Police Asks Residents to Follow the Health Protocol - Military Rayon Command 10 / Kunto Darussalam Military District Command 0313 / KPR together with the Kunto Darussalam Sector Police, urge people who are active in the market to prevent the spread of the Covid-19. Personnel of the Indonesian National Army and the Republic of Indonesia National Police together with the Kunto Darussalam District Health Office went around urging residen...
Successful Businessman Ir Murnis Mansyur is Ready to Face Sukiman
Thursday, Jun 18, 2020 | 05:33 pm LT

Successful Businessman Ir Murnis Mansyur is Ready to Face Sukiman -  H.Ir.Murnis Mansyur suddenly became the center of attention of the people of Rokan Hulu Regency as a candidate for Regent who was promoted by the Golkar Party. Armed with successful experience in the business world and having relations to the international world, determined to make Rokan Hulu Regency an industrial area, so that the economic standard of living of all levels of...
Regent Rohul Sukiman Invites All Parties to Protect and Preserve Raja Rokan Palace for the Young Generation
Thursday, Jun 11, 2020 | 10:42 pm LT

Regent Rohul Sukiman Invites All Parties to Protect and Preserve Raja Rokan Palace for the Young Generation - Rokan Hulu Regency (Rohul) is one of the regions in Riau Province that has a number of historical tourist destinations. One of them is Raja Rokan Palace in Rokan Koto Ruang Village, Rokan IV Koto District, Rohul. zxc1 Rohul Regent, Sukiman also invited all parties to guard and preserve the palace in the blood of the nickname of the Thousand Suluk State. "Raja Rokan Pal...
Babinsa Koramil 13 / Rokan Invites Career Partner to Develop Goat Farming in Air Panas Village
Monday, Jun 01, 2020 | 04:17 pm LT

Babinsa Koramil 13 / Rokan Invites Career Partner to Develop Goat Farming in Air Panas Village - Rokan Hulu - Social Communication (Komsos) in the midst of the fostered community really needs to be promoted, in this case Babinsa Koramil 13 / Rokan Kodim 0313 / Kpr Pelda Mardianto visited the Karib Partners who raise Aitawa Goats. This activity also tightened the relationship between Babinsa to its citizens in the village of Air Panas. on Monday (1/6/2020). zxc1 Pelda Ma...