Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025

The Indonesian National Army Forces and the Indonesian National Police Asks Residents to Follow the Health Protocol


Asks Residents to Follow the Health ProtocolAsks Residents to Follow the Health Protocol - Military Rayon Command 10 / Kunto Darussalam Military District Command 0313 / KPR together with the Kunto Darussalam Sector Police, urge people who are active in the market to prevent the spread of the Covid-19.

Personnel of the Indonesian National Army and the Republic of Indonesia National Police together with the Kunto Darussalam District Health Office went around urging residents to stay abreast of health protocols in Kota Lama Village, Kunto Darussalam District, Rokan Hulu Regency, on Wednesday, July, 01 2020.

These efforts are carried out as a form of concern so that people can follow the government's recommendations. "By always diligently washing hands, using masks and adjusting the distance," added Assistant Second Lieutenant Hayani

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