Pelalawan Regency Government Prioritizes Health Services for Communities - The Healthy Pelalawan (Pelalawan Sehat) Program is an intensive effort by the Pelalawan Regency Government (Pemkab) to create healthy conditions for the communities and the environment.
By increasing the quality and reach of health services, providing free services to all citizens at the Puskesmas, providing free referral service guarantees for the poor communities, and reviving the culture of mutual assistance for environmental health, the Healthy Pelalawan Program is in line with the Central Government Program namely the Indonesian Program Healthy.
Pelalawan Regent HM Harris said, the Pelalawan Sehat program was an effort to create healthy conditions in an area that began with a healthy environment and created healthy individual residents.
The Healthy Pelalawan Program is an effort to strengthen community initiatives and revive the mutual cooperation culture in cleaning up the residential environment and to increase public awareness in implementing Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS).
On the individual health side, the Pelalawan District Government continues to improve the quality and reach of health services and provide health insurance for the poor that strengthens national health programs.
The perceived impact is reduced morbidity, reduced endemic infectious diseases and increased life expectancy of people compared to previous years.
And of course, the Healthy Pelalawan Program that he initiated, is not just a slogan. Where the program continues to be applied with various development activities, especially in the health sector.
"Praise the Lord (Alhamdulillah), the Healthy Pelalawan Program has succeeded. The communities no longer has difficulty in obtaining health services, because it has been funded by the Government," said Pelalawan Regent HM Harris.
Health services are carried out equally, both in the district and village. The whole communities gets health services.
"If the people who are sick and able to come to the Centre Health of Community (Puskesmas)," said Regent Harris.
He added that the Pelalawan Regency Government also continued to improve this program. Pelalawan regency also accompanied by an increase in Human Resources (HR) health workers, so that the desire to make a healthy community with the quality of professional health workers can be achieved maximally.
"The Healthy Pelalawan Program is indeed considered to have succeeded in its application. With the Healthy Pelalawan program, the community has become accustomed to working together to clean their environment, creating a healthy community and a healthy environment."
"A healthy community is the basic capital in developing an area. For this reason, we hope that the efforts of the Pelalawan Regency Government must be supported by the active role of all layers of the Pelalawan Regency community, so that the vision of Innovation Towards Golden Pelalawan (Independent, Safe and Prosperous Economy) can be achieved with maximum, "Harris explained.
In line with the improvement of health services to the community, Pelalawan Regency Government has 14 Puskesmas in 12 sub-districts, 40 Sub-District Health Centers (Pustu), 93 Poskesdes and 1 Regional Hospital namely BLUD Selasih Hospital.
Acting Head of Pelalawan District Health Office H Asril added, through the Healthy Pelalawan Program, increasing the degree of public health in the context of improving the quality of human resources in Pelalawan Regency continues to be maximized. These efforts include the development of the Regional Health Insurance Program (Jamkesda) of the Pelalawan Regency.
Asril explained, the aim is to provide health care guarantees to the people of Pelalawan Regency to live a healthy life as an investment in development in all fields.
In addition, the aim is also to increase access and quality of health services to all the general public, in order to achieve an optimal degree of health effectively and efficiently.
"While the specific goal itself is to encourage the improvement of standardized health services for participants, not excessive so that quality and cost are controlled," he said.
The former Head of the Community Health Center continued, that in Jamkesda would not run smoothly if it was not supported by sufficient medical personnel in 14 Puskesmas that spread across 12 subdistricts in Pelalawan District.
The Pelalawan District Health Office has 481 people who have been appointed as Civil Servants (PNS), 407 Honorary Workers, 10 Provincial Honor Workers.
Of the total number of medical personnel spread throughout the Puskesmas, 54 general practitioners were included, 191 dentists, 300 midwives, 184 nurses and 149 technical personnel and 196 health workers.
The Pelalawan Regency Jamkesda guarantees all health care to the Pelalawan Regency community to live a healthy life as an investment in development in all fields as stipulated in the Healthy Pelalawan Program.
"For this reason, through the Healthy Pelalawan Program, we will continue to be committed to providing good, maximum and professional health services to the people of Pelalawan Regency. So that the progress of health development in the State of Amanah can be achieved optimally," he said.
Asril also stated, his side always prioritizes health services to the community. This he said, according to Pelalawan Regent HM Harris's instructions.
"The Regent always instructs that service should be prioritized. Therefore, we focus there. All infrastructure facilities we have, we optimize for services," he explained
One of the public health services, said Asril, was the handling of haze victims at this time.
"All of the Puskesmas, Pustu and village midwives' houses have been made as posts for handling Karhutla victims. Likewise, private hospitals, we are also instructed to provide this karhutla command post," he added.
In addition, the Pelalawan District Government through the Health Office also made part of the Pelalawan District Office Home as a halfway house and a post for Karhutla victims.
"Today, we open it at the regent's official residence. Tomorrow we will open it again, in the Datuk Laksamana Mangkudiraja Regional Building," he added, yesterday.
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