Ensuring Regional Investment Climate Keep Improving, District Government of Rohil Builds Infrastructure Facilities to the Villages

News24xx.com - Rohil- The Government of Rokan Hilir Regency (Pemilab Rohil) continues to develop an Integrated Industrial Zone and Improvement of the Regional Investment Climate.
Rohil Regency, is known as a center for plantations, especially oil palm plantations. So, the Rokan Hilir Regency Government offers an integrated development program in the downstream sector that can accommodate all upstream activities, and is also expected to produce production displacement so that the products produced are not of one type.
In addition, the establishment and strengthening of other non-oil and gas production centers based on regional and community potential will be developed to support the acceleration of sustainable community economic development.
Not only that, the Government of Rokan Hilir Regency also continues to make various efforts in improving and developing regional infrastructure. Regional infrastructure in Rokan Hilir Regency is still lacking and needs to be improved and developed the results of development that are in direct contact with all levels of society is the availability of regional infrastructure.
Therefore, the development of regional infrastructure will continue to be improved and developed to the lowest level of government, namely villages.
Poverty reduction and social welfare in Rokan Hilir Regency, the local government continues to program new jobs by opening business opportunities by implementing revolving capital assistance managed by community groups themselves and strengthening financial institutions through village unit cooperatives (KUD).
More important, the improving of the education quality in Rokan Hilir is also done start from Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior and Vocational School up to the University and Islamic School. In general, the education development program is a continuation of the educational development of the government which is a form of consistency in carrying out a development program that will be reflected in the magnitude of the portion of education in the 20 percent APBD.
The development of the tourism area is also a program of the Regional Government of Rokan Hilir, the Rokan Hilir District Government has opened tourist accesses, such as the provision of transportation facility in Jemur island. Development of tourism areas is based on the potential of the region by prioritizing and preserving local customs and culture.
Spatial Planning and the Environment. The spatial and environmental data collection program through the development planning that takes into account environmental principles and the implementation of development that is consistent and consistent refers to environmental regulations and legislation.
Developing the Acropolitan, Minapolitan and Teknopolitan areas through the development of potential-based areas in accordance with the regional comparative advantages is also done.
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