Friday, 14 Mar 2025

Riau DPRD Announces 8 Faction, One Combined Faction


Riau DPRD Announced 8 Factions in Plenary SessionRiau DPRD Announced 8 Factions in Plenary Session - PEKANBARU - The Regional Representative Council (DPRD) of Riau Province finally held a plenary meeting with the agenda of announcing the formation of a faction, on Thursday (12 Septemben).

The plenary meeting was chaired by the Riau DPRD temporary chairman, Sukarmis, accompanied by the caretaker deputy chairman, Zukri Misran. And attended by Deputy Governor of Riau, Edy Natar Nasution and a number of representatives of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) and invited guests.

The 8 faction structures announced, there was only one combined faction, they are the United Development Party (PPP), the National Democrats (Nasdem) and the People's Conscience (Hanura).

While the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) which previously joined, now succeeded in forming their own faction.

The first faction is Golkar, consisted of 11 members. Among them are Parisman Ihwan, Ramos Teddy Sianturi, Indra Gunawan, Sari Antoni, Karmila Sari, Amyurlis, Sewitri, Sulastri, Septina Primawati, Sukarmis, and Yulisman.

"Based on the decision, the Riau DPRD Golkar faction is led by Yulisman. While the vice chairman is Sari Antoni, and his secretary is Parisman Ihwan," said Golkar faction spokesman, Yulisman.

Whereas PDIP, filled with 10 councilors for the 2019-2024 period, including Robin P Hutagalung, Ma'mun Solihin, Syafaruddin Poti, Suyadi, Iwandi, Almainis, Zukri, Soniwati, James Pasaribu, and Sugeng Pranoto.

"The chair of the PDIP faction is Syafaruddin Poti,
"Soniwati's deputy chairman, Suyadi's secretary, and treasurer Almainis," said PKS faction spokesman, Suyadi.

Furthermore, from the Democratic faction, led by Agung Nugroho, deputy chairman Eva Yuliana, and Kelmi Amri secretary. While its members are Noviwaldy Jusman, Asri Auzar, Eddy A Mohd Yatim, Tumpal Hutabarat, Agus Triansyah and Manahara Napitupulu.

From the Gerindra faction, it will be chaired by Husni Tamrin, his vice chairman Nurzafri, and treasurer Ustaz Suhaidi. Members of the Muhammad Aulia, Amran, Syafrudin Iput, Hardianto and Marwan Yohanis factions.

While the PKS faction, led by Riau PKS DPW secretary, Markarius Anwar, vice chairman Mira Roza, secretary Arnita Sari, and treasurer Adam interceded. While its members Sofyan Siroj Abdul Wahab, Ardiansyah and Abdul Kasim.

Furthermore, from the PAN faction, chaired by Zufri, Ade Hartati's secretary, and treasurer Sahidin. While the members are Syamsurizal, Sunaryo, Komperensi and Sulaiman.

The PKB faction was led by Inhu politician, Ade Agus Hartanto. While his deputy was entrusted to Dani Nursalam, his secretary Sugianto. While the PKB faction members are Suprianto, Abu Khoiri and Muhammad Adil.

Finally, the combined fraction of  PPP, Nasdem and Hanura are chaired by Husaimi Hamidi, the deputy chief of cashier and secretary are Farida Saad. Her members are Yuyun Hidayat, Muhammad Arpah, Sardiyono, and Ali Rahmad Harahap.

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