For the Realization of Rohil as an Industrial Area, the Village Regent 10 Priority Programs - Rohil- The Regent of Rokan Hilir, Suyatno continues to strive to realize the Vision and Mission of the Rokan Hilir Regency (Rohil), namely "The Establishment of Rohil as an Industrial Zone in the Way of Prosperous Civil and Independent Communities".
The vision of development must be measurable to determine the level of progress and prosperity to be achieved in 2016 to 2021.
On various occasions, Suyatno explained, there were 10 regional development priority programs in the next five years, including:
1. Construction of roads, bridges and ports, electricity, water supply, environmental sanitation and transportation.
2. Educational development.
3. Development of integrated industrial estates and regional investment climate.
4. Bureaucratic reform.
5. Improvement and development of regional infrastructure.
6. Arrangement and environment.
7. Development of agropolitan, minapolitan and technology areas.
8. Poverty reduction and social welfare through expanding employment opportunities and building village independence.
9. Development and development of agriculture, fisheries, plantations and animal husbandry.
10. Development of tourist areas.
Remembering the unique natural conditions of Rokan Hilir Regency with sloping landscapes, peatlands and having many small islands, the development of road infrastructure must be integrated between the addition of roads, the number of bridges and ports.
"This (Infrastructure) is a form of interconnection between land transportation and water transportation facilities, "Suyatno said.
According to him, the addition of absolute road sections was built to open isolation of the region as well as a means of connecting between regions as a means of mobilizing people and mobilizing goods in socio-economic activities.
"With the improvement of infrastructure facilities, especially roads, bridges, and ports, it is hoped that transportation costs in the economic activities of the community can be signed through the tightening of development between one region and another," he said.
"With the improvement of infrastructure facilities, especially roads, bridges, and ports, it is hoped that transportation costs in the economic activities of the community can be signed through the tightening of development between one region and another," he said.
He said, in addition to quantitative improvements, qualitative improvements would also be prioritized, including maintaining improvements in the status of roads and bridges to ensure the implementation of the program.
"In the future, a geographic-based road information system for the community will be implemented as a means of playing an active role in informing road conditions to the Rokan Hilir Government," he said.
In addition, the progress of an area can also be measured by the ability of competitiveness. Competitiveness here is that Rokan Hilir Regency is a calculated district in Riau Province, both in terms of government quality, welfare, equity, services, infrastructure, education and health and its industrial area.
Furthermore, to realize the ideals in accordance with the vision, the regional development mission of Rokan Hilir Regency is to strengthen the community's economy through empowering people's economy and sustainable management of natural resources.
Such as to continue the developing infrastructure to improve services to the community, to advance the agriculture, industry and services sectors.
In addition, strengthen the quality of human resources (HR) and improve public health. Beside, to realize a government that is reliable, clean and authoritative and also to strengthen the development of people with Malay culture based on faith and piety.
Development Priorities in All Sectors
This year, the Rokan Hilir District Government plans a number of key and strategic programs, including continuing the poverty alleviation program through community plantation programs, especially in pockets of poverty.
Building livable homes (RLH), free medical treatment, land certification of poor people, printing new paddy fields, developing fisheries cultivation businesses and providing scholarships for underprivileged and outstanding students.
Infrastructure development includes the continuation of the Rokan Hilir office center construction, which began in 2010. While the construction, improvement and maintenance of the road network, continues in 2019.
For the construction of roads in isolated areas, in 2019 the Government of Rokan Hilir Regency will specially focus on opening up disputes in Kepenghuluan Air Hitam, Pujud District and other districts.
All roads to be built will use a rigid system specifically for the construction of the cross-coast road, for the Panipahan-Teluk Piyai road, Piyai-Pedamaran Bay, Pedamaran.
The road in Bagansiapiapi has been handled and budgeted by the Riau provincial government through the Riau provincial budget and is expected to be budgeted by the Government in 2019
Riau Province has a greater budget allocation because, it is expected that the completion of the construction of this coastal cross section will be functional.
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