Madly jealous! A Teenager in Bandung Killed Her Girlfriend After Making Love, His Shock Mother Found a Sack Filled with Corpses in Living Room - A new big boy (ABG) in Rancaekek, Bandung Regency, West Java, was determined to kill his lover with a rope until he died.
Kapolresta Bandung Kombes Pol Hendra Kurniawan explained that this case came to light when the police received a report regarding the alleged murder of a 17-year-old ABG.
"Children are also victims, we cannot say their identities," said Hendra Kurniawan at the Bandung Police Headquarters on Thursday (6 August 2020).
Hendra said the murder was triggered because of the love triangle between the perpetrator and the victim.
The perpetrator and the victim (female) were dating, but the victim turned out to have another boyfriend.
Read more: Severe! A Woman in South Tangerang is Raped After Waking Up Then Terrorized From Instagram
The beginning of the murder occurred when the victim on Wednesday (5 August 2020) yesterday at around 05.00 pm came to the perpetrator at his rented house in Babakan Sukarasa Village, Rancaekek Wetan Village, Rancaekek District, Bandung Regency by using a bicycle.
The two then talked, the perpetrator then asked about a man's post on social media, to which the victim answered that the man was his girlfriend.
Jealous and upset, the perpetrator then asked the victim to have sex like a husband and wife in the perpetrator's rented house.
"On that basis (jealousy) the child spontaneously confronted the law and found the rope, after having intercourse with his neck (the victim to death) and (his body) put in a sack and then left," explained Hendra as quoted by TribunJabar.
Furthermore, the sack containing the victim was tied to it and left lying in the television room, while the perpetrator just left the house.
Unexpectedly, the perpetrator's biological mother found the sack at her house and asked the perpetrator.
The perpetrator's mother was shocked and immediately invited her child to surrender to the Rancaekek Police Headquarters.
Hendra assessed that jealousy was the motive for the perpetrator of the murder.
However, the police are still investigating the case.
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