Sunday, 23 Feb 2025

Organizing Social Communication in Mulia Subur Village


Second Sergeant Sugeng Siswaji carries out Social CommunicationSecond Sergeant Sugeng Siswaji carries out Social Communication - Second Sergeant Sugeng Siswaji carried out social communication to a crowd place in Mulia Subur Village, Pangkalan Lesung District, Pelalawan Regency, on Friday, July 24, 2020.

"We also remind people to maintain cleanliness, wear masks and always wash their hands diligently," he said.

Read more: The Waste Abundant into the Kerumutan River

Meanwhile Commander of Military Rayon 04 / Kuras Base Captain Inf Masrah said when contacted that all ranks of Military Rayon Command 04 / Kuras Base routinely and continuously had to carry out Komsos with the people in the target villages.

This is done in order to maintain a harmonious relationship between Babinsa and its fostered communities. By visiting and communicating with residents, religious leaders, community leaders, youth leaders and other elements of society.

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