Saturday, 15 Feb 2025

Section Chief Intel Kejari Pelalawan Receives Achievement Staff Award


Section Chief Intel Kejari Pelalawan Receives Achievement Staff AwardSection Chief Intel Kejari Pelalawan Receives Achievement Staff Award - Head of the Pelalawan District Attorney Nophy T Suoth, SH, MH presented 2 awards from the Achievement Pelalawan Achievement staff, during the 60th Adhyaksa Service Day at Pelalawan Kejari, on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.

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The Head of the Intel Kejari Pelalawan Sumriadi, SH, MH section of one of the two Kejari employees who received the award for the outstanding employee.

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The award of attorney attorney who achieves this achievement is the Riau Prosecutors program. The determination was also carried out by the Riau Prosecutor's Office and the award was handed over by the 60th Pelalawan District Attorney's Office.

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