Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025

Holding Virtual Meetings with the Governor of Riau, Siak Regency Government Arranges Quick Handling Steps for Covid-19


A virtual meeting of the Siak Regency government with the Governor of RiauA virtual meeting of the Siak Regency government with the Governor of Riau - Acting Regional Secretary of the Siak Regency Jamaluddin, together with the elements of the Siak Regency regional leadership coordination forum, attended a virtual meeting with the Governor of Riau in the Bandar Siak Live Room, the Siak Regent's Office.

Jamaluddin conveyed to Riau Governor Syamsuar about the condition of the development of Covid in the palace country. As on August 4 yesterday, a positive number of Covid-19 was 81 people, this number has increased in the last two weeks.

"Last August 4, the number of positive Covid-19 in Siak was 81 people, this number has increased from the last two weeks. Then today there are 19 people added. This addition consists of 18 people PT IKPP contractors and they are. immigrants from other areas. Meanwhile, one more person is the head of the Perawang Puskesmas, "he explained.

He further said that there were 42 patients who had recovered, and 58 people who were being treated, 26 people were treated at the Tengku Rafian Regional General Hospital and 32 people at the Provincial General Hospital.

He said, Siak Regency has conducted a swab test of 1,843 people, this has exceeded the target of the total population, which is 1,758 people.

Read more: Strengthening Food Reserves for the Covid-19 Spring Season, Secretary of Siak Video Conference with the Head of the Indonesian Food Security Agency

"We have conducted a swab test of 1,843 people and the results are, 81 people tested positive, 249 people are waiting for the results and the rest tested negative," he said.

In this case, he said, the Siak Regency Government took steps to anticipate the acceleration of Covid-19 Handling. The Siak Regency Government collaborates with elements of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum and other Task Forces such as: tracing positive direct contacts.

Then the second is to do insulation at the entrance to the Siak Regency area. Until now, the Siak Regency Government is still doing insulation at 8 points. Initially this insulation was made for 3 months and added another 3 months.

The third is conducting an epicenter, namely isolating residents who enter and leaving in positive areas and conducting patrols in every area prone to crowds, including in the sub-district capital.

Then the fifth is to determine the mandatory area for masks. And the last one is to make a Regional Regulation regarding the handling of Covid-19 which is being discussed at the Regional People's Representative Council.

Read more: 13 Positive Cases of Covid-19 in Siak, 11 of them from the PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, Tualang Cluster

Meanwhile, Riau Governor Syamsuar through a video conference said the coordination meeting for handling Covid-19 was focused on six districts / cities which were very vulnerable to Covid-19 transmission.

He mentioned the six regencies / cities that participated in the virtual meeting: Pekanbaru, Kampar, Siak, Rokan Hilir, Palalawan and Indragiri Hilir Regency.

"The increase in the capacity of the Test Swab that has been carried out has certainly led to the increasing number of positive Covid - 19 numbers being added," said Syamsuar.

Then he continued, the results of the tracing that were carried out led to the finding of people without symptoms in several districts / cities, so that the number increased.

Because of the large number of immigrants coming in and out of Riau, Syamsuar invited the Regent / Mayor to increase awareness and swab. And it has targeted for each Regency / City.

On this occasion, Syamsuar appreciated Siak Regency for his initiation in drafting the Regional Regulation on Handling Covid-19. "We are very happy and appreciate the Siak Regency Government for making a Regional Regulation for handling Covid-19," he said. (Adv)

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