Sunday, 23 Feb 2025

Meranti Regency Government Announces CPNS Selection Results This December


(This December the District Government of Meranti announces 2019 CPNS results (photo / int))(This December the District Government of Meranti announces 2019 CPNS results (photo / int)) -

Monday 2 December 2019, After registration of CPNS was closed on 28 November 2019, the file verification process continued by the selection committee (Pansel). Up to now, 700 files have been verified. Pansel is optimistic he can finish it in a week.

Secretary of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD), Bakharudin explained that out of a total of 2774 applicants, dozens of people had already been declared ineligible (TMS). Generally because applicants from the STR midwife formation are dead or absent.

"Hopefully the verification process can be completed in a week. So we can announce it immediately. As scheduled, the announcement will be made this month (December)," he said.

The Head of Procurement, Termination and Employee Information, Said Solahuddin added the exact date of the announcement would be coordinated in advance with BKN and all BKD districts / cities in Riau. Because the administrative announcement will be done simultaneously.

"After the administrative announcement there will be a refutation period of 3 days. After that there was a period of answering the rebuttal. We will schedule the agenda in December 2019," he said.

Meanwhile, for the implementation of basic competency selection (SKD), said the official who is familiarly called Abeng will be conducted in February 2020 and the selection of field competencies (SKB) in March of the same year.

"The SKD and SKB implementation will be carried out independently in Selatpanjang City, Kepulauan Meranti Regency, Riau," he said. (R24 / Mad)

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