Sunday, 05 May 2024

Parongpong Company Turns Cigarette Butts into High-Value Material Products: "There Is No Trash"


Parongpong Company turns cigarette butts into cool ashtraysParongpong Company turns cigarette butts into cool ashtrays - "There is no such thing as garbage, only material that has not been used and has not yet been revitalized". This sentence is the guideline for Parongpong, a waste treatment company in Bandung, West Java, in creating products of value from recycling waste.

Recently, the company that was founded in 2017 came up with an innovation in the manufacture of material products that are processed from cigarette butts waste. The collaboration product in collaboration with the Conture Concrete Lab was launched after a year of research into the processing of cigarette butts waste.

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Cigarette butts, which are usually only seen as worthless trash, are processed into a variety of valuable products, such as ashtrays, flower pots, tiling, and outdoor furniture.

"When we launched yesterday, the thinking was very simple, we wanted a campaign from a cigarette butt to human butt, funny like that," said Rendy Aditya Wachid while laughing when interviewed by DW on Wednesday (22 July). Rendy is a graduate majoring in architecture who founded Parongpong.

According to Rendy, there is criticism that is actually inserted through the innovation of material products made from cigarette butts that they are working on.

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"We made ashtrays from cigarette butts and it actually became a critic, why do people throw cigarette butts carelessly? So we make cigarette butts instead used as containers to store cigarette butts which are ashtrays," he explained.

Rendy admitted that anxiety saw the high number of cigarette butts littering the sea, which was one of the reasons his company had spawned this innovation.

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