Thursday, 09 May 2024

Having Anxiety Disorders and Husband Is Going to Do Polygamy, a Wife Poisened Thier 2 Children then Committed Suicide


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet - Winarsih, a housewife in Wonogiri Regency, East Java (East Java), could poison her child. Amazingly, after doing these depraved things, the woman then committed suicide.

Residents around assess the victim has an anxiety disorder. Because, he often prejudiced against others, even considered the local people hostile to him.

The victim's husband, Sukron Candani, said that his wife had experienced this condition for a long time. Even in 2008 to 2015, he even chose not to work to accompany his wife.

"So during that time I was only at home with my wife and children. Then in 2015, my wife asked me to look for work," Sukron told reporters at Harjono Ponorogo Hospital, East Java (East Java), Friday (13 December 2019).

Her anxiety disorder began to be felt by his wife in 2009. That is why he prefers to accompany Winarsih, because he is worriedto leave her alone at home with their children.

On the other hand some parties suspect that Winarsih committed suicide because her husband wanted to polygamy. However, Sukron denied that the problem arose because he decided polygamy. According to him, his wife had accepted and was sincere about his decision to remarry. Likewise, the family from Winarsih already knew that fact.

"When I remarry, my wife is actually sincere. Her family also knows. I am still communicating well and sending my wife money," he said.




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