Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025

Based on Data; COVID-19 Patients in Riau are Predominantly Male


IllustrationIllustration - The number of corona-positive patients or COVID-19 in Riau Province reached 350 cases. Of that number recorded patients with male sex more dominant than women.

Based on COVID-19 monitoring data, there are 203 men or around 58 percent, while the number of women is 147 people or around 42 percent.

Meanwhile, the percentage of COVID-19 patient deaths occurred in five districts and cities including, Indragiri Hulu 4 cases, 1 died or 25 percent, Bengkalis District with 21 cases, 1 died or 4.8 percent.

Read more: Hotspots in Riau Region

City of Pekanbaru 128 cases, 6 died or 4.7 percent, Kampar District with 24 cases, 1 died or 4.2 percent, and Indragiri Hilir with 53 cases, 2 died or 3.8 percent.

Since the last few days the Riau Province government has no longer held a press conference as it does every day through a task force team to accelerate the handling of COVID-19. That refers to the results delivered by President Joko Widodo related to the dissolution of the task force.

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