Sunday, 05 May 2024

Disgusting! This Restaurant Serves Recycled Drinking Water from Toilets, Here's the Process


IllustrationIllustration - We rarely find a restaurant that provides free drinking water.

However, another case with a restaurant in Belgium which revealed, they began serving free drinking water from recycled sinks and toilets.

At first glance, the water served at Gust'eaux in Kuurne is the same as ordinary water.

It's odorless, tasteless, and colorless.

It is such possible that the drinking water served by this restaurant cannot possibly come from toilet water.

Using the five-step purification method, Gust'eaux is able to convert its waste into water, and add minerals before serving it to customers.

Based on a unique method of recycling, toilet water and sink water are initially "cleaned" using plant fertilizer.

Some are mixed with collected rainwater.

Water mixed with rainwater is used to flush the toilet.

The remainder goes through a series of purifications before it becomes served drinking water.

The water is too pure to drink.

"So we added minerals to make it healthier," the restaurant representative told VRT News.

The restaurant states, they present the recycled water in various forms.

Whether it's drunk, ice cubes, until brewing beer.

According to Sudinfo, purification systems such as in Gust'eaux were once used to provide drinking water in remote communities.

However, that experience has not yet occurred in Europe.




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