The Head of Riau Tourism Office encourage the Siak Regency Tourism Office to promote The Tour De Siak 2018 through social media - In 2018, the Siak Regency Government will hold the annual Tour De Siak (TDSi) event, which is will be held on Sept. 17-21 2018.
For information, TDSi 2018 will through for four stages, ie :
Stage I: Siak-Dayun
Stage II: Siak-Bungaraya-Sei Apit-Siak
Stage III: Siak-Dayun-Made-Siak
Stage IV: Siak City Race.
The Head of Riau Tourism Office, Fahmizal Usman said that TDSi is one of the tourism spots that owned by the Siak Regency government.
Therefore, he felt its need to encourage the Siak Regency Tourism Office to aggressively for promote their event through social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
"We will encourage the Siak Regency Tourism Office to promote its through social media," Fahmizal said as quoted from, on Friday, September 14, 2018.
However, until now, he does not know how many participants that will join for TDSi 2018.
Fahmizal also said that his party was needed to do several things to attract tourists to come to Siak.
Fahmizal added, the Governor of Riau, Arsyadjuliandi Rachman and the Regent of Siak, Syamsuar would be present at the opening ceremony of the TDSi.
"Insya Allah (God willing), the Governor of Riau and the Regent of Siak will be present at the opening ceremony," he concluded.
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