Tuesday, 07 May 2024

Not Only in Regional General Hospitals, Now Swab Tests Can Also Be Done at Several Health Centers in Indragiri Hilir


Swab IllustrationSwab Illustration

News24xx.com - To maximize the process of taking swab test samples, Indragiri Hilir Health Office conducts training to several existing health centers.

As explained by the Head of Indragiri Hilir's Health Prevention and Disease Control Department, Subowo Radiyanto, if swab could only be done at Puri Husada and Raja Musa Guntung hospitals now, the Technical Services Unit of the Indragiri Hilir Regional Health Laboratory and a number of puskesmas have been trained, plus so they can take their own swabs and then collected to the health department to be sent to laboratories Pekanbaru.

"Puskesmas that have been trained are Tembilahan Hulu Puskesmas, Tembilahan Kota, Gajah Mada, Kuala Lahang, Enok, Pulau Burung, Sungai Guntung," he explained.

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He also added that the training was intended to achieve the target of taking 47 people a day, as instructed by the Governor of Riau.

"Later we will prioritize which areas are affected by high risk covid," he continued.

He explained the high risk as among others Patients in Oversight and People without Symptoms but there was contact with positive patients withvids, then there were People in Monitoring and Health Personnel who handled Covid-19.

"If this is all, then we will move to deal with covid who may be exposed to such as the Civil Service Police Unit, community leaders, Alim Ulama and the elderly above 50 years and over," he said.

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From the implementation of this mass swab, it is expected that Subowo is expected to capture as much as possible and must also be accompanied by a network of borders, including ports, so according to the governor's circular.

"Those who come to Indragiri Hilir must bring a certificate of rapid test with non-reactive results," he said again.

He also hopes that all puskesmas will remain vigilant, continue to mobilize as much as possible to be able to track and track if there are cases.

"Because we don't know whether this case just stops here. Always coordinate with cross sectors for promotive and prefentive efforts. Then to the whole community, we recommend that wherever and whenever we continue to implement health protocols, because there we can prevent the spread of Covid-19 ", he concluded

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