Sunday, 23 Feb 2025

The Contract Employee at Transportation Agency Bengkalis Arrested by the Police


EvidenceEvidence - The Bengkalis Police Police Drug Detective Unit on Sunday, June 28, 2020, at 21.30 West Indonesian Time succeeded in securing six perpetrators of narcotic crimes, dried cannabis leaves and secured in two locations, namely in one of the houses in Jalan Kartini, Bengkalis City, and in a house on Jalan Awang Mahmuda Sei Alam Village, Bengkalis District by Sus Narcotics Police Bengkalis Resort team

"The six suspects are MS (23) residents of Jalan Kartini Bengkalis, FA (34) Traders of perfume and fruit juices on Jalan Hos Cokroaminoto Bengkalis city, OS (28), NR (23) MA (26) and AD (43) all four from from Bireun, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province works as a driver and assistant driver and one of them is an contract employee at the Bengkalis Transportation Service in the Bengkalis Roro Air port and is suspected of being a porter and courier, "said Narcotics on Tuesday, June 30, 2020.

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Further Adjunct Police Commissioner Syahrizal, from the suspect secured 1 packet of suspected Narcotics type of dried cannabis leaf weighing 500 grams, 2 packages allegedly dried type of marijuana leaves weighing 500 grams, 2 units of vehicle type of Colt diesel truck, 2 units of two-wheeled vehicles, 6 units of telephone handheld and cash Rp1,500,000, allegedly the result of the remaining sales

"They admitted, the dried marijuana was from Bireun Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province to be circulated in Bengkalis and claimed to have brought it twice in Bengkalis," he said.

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