Gadjah Mada University has ranked first of higher education institutions in the 2020 Indonesian University Ranking - Amazing, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta has ranked first out of 573 higher education institutions in the 2020 Indonesian University Ranking, an annual list released by international higher education directory and search engine uniRank.
Formerly known as 4 International Colleges and Universities (4ICU), uniRank listed the universities based on three criteria, namely being accredited by higher education-related organizations, offering at least four-year undergraduate degrees or postgraduate degrees, and providing most of the courses in face-to-face format.
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Following behind UGM are the University of Indonesia (UI) in Depok, West Java and Pendidikan Indonesia University (UPI) in Bandung, West Java in second and third position, respectively.
Widyawan, head of information resources and system center at UGM, said in a statement that the ranking was a form of appreciation from the international agency for the university’s use of information technology in education, teaching and research.
"Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and work-from-home and study-from-home policies, the role of information technology has become more important. The ranking [serves] as encouragement and promotes reflection,” he added.
In 2018, uniRank also ranked UGM and UI in the first and second position, respectively. Meanwhile, last year UGM was recognized as the country's best higher-education institution by university index agency Webometrics.
Below is the top 15 list of the 2020 Indonesian University Ranking:
- Gajah Mada University
- University of Indonesia
- Pendidikan Indonesia University
- Diponegoro University
- Brawijaya University
- Yogyakarta State University (UNY)
- Lampung University
- Airlangga University
- Bogor Institute of Agriculture
- Semarang State University
- Muhammadiyah Surakarta University
- Bandung Institute of Technology
- Malang State University
- North Sumatra University
- Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University
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