Sunday, 05 May 2024

Koramil 04 / Kuindra Perform Integrated Interviews in Concong Dalam Village


(Bintara Pembina Desa (Babinsa) Concong Military Rayon Command (Koramil) 04 / Kuindra Kodim 0314 / Indragiri Hilir, Babinsa Serda Asrion carry out Integrated Territorial Development (Binter) held in Concong Dalam Village (photo / Rgo))(Bintara Pembina Desa (Babinsa) Concong Military Rayon Command (Koramil) 04 / Kuindra Kodim 0314 / Indragiri Hilir, Babinsa Serda Asrion carry out Integrated Territorial Development (Binter) held in Concong Dalam Village (photo / Rgo)) -

NHIL- Bintara Pembina Desa (Babinsa) Concong Military Rayon Command (Koramil) 04 / Kuindra Kodim 0314 / Indragiri Hilir, Babinsa Serda Asrion carried out Integrated Territorial Development (Binter) which was held in Concong Dalam Village, Concong District, Indragiri Hilir District, Monday 18 November 2019, morning.

The Binter activity provides material on "Counseling on Increasing Community Resources (HR) in the Field of Fisheries," to the community component of Concong Dalam Village.

Babinsa Serda Asrion in the implementation of the Binter said, that the community is an important component in efforts to improve Human Resources themselves, especially in the discussion about increasing HR in the Field of Fisheries.

"Efforts to improve human resources in managing something can be seen from the quality of these individuals," Babinsa said.

Babinsa Serda Asrion added, it was not only the Community Resources that needed to be improved, but also needed to be improved about the understanding of everything related to fisheries.

"As understanding about the types of fish that are suitable for cultivation in our area where geographical conditions allow to develop the fisheries. And also like how to cultivate fish with ponds for freshwater fish, shrimp farming with ponds, even how to manage crab culture," he explained 

The purpose of Babinsa to implement the Binter is as a means to change the mindset of the community to switch to the field of fisheries, which so far the community has been focused on agriculture and plantations.

And also, this is a step to reduce and anticipate the forest and land fires that have occurred like some time ago because people often clear forests and land by burning to make new land suitable for planting.

"So that the community is no longer focused on human resources to open plantations / agriculture land with the existence of an Integrated Binter regarding Fisheries. So that it can impact the forest and land fires that occur, so that land, forests, shrubs, do not come on fire due to forest clearing by burning so far that many happened, "explained Serda Asrion.

Zahar as the Village Secretary of Concong In representing the Village Head would like to thank Babinsa and give appreciation to the people who joined the Integrated Interview.

"I would like to thank Mr. Babinsa Koramil 04 / Kuindra who also took part as presenters in this activity. And I really appreciate the people who participated in this Binter activity. Hopefully in the future we can all become qualified individuals in terms of Human Resources, especially useful for our Concong Village, "he said in his remarks.

Also present at the event was the Village Head of Concong Dalam represented by Secretary H Zahar, Chair of BPD, Chair of LPM, Chair of RT / RW, Kadus, Village Staff, community leaders, youth and residents of Concong Dalam Village. (R24 / Rgo)

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