Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Operating next year, Hutama Karya did this to address land acquisition


The Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road is still under construction and will be completed in 2020The Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road is still under construction and will be completed in 2020 -

Corporate Secretary of Hutama Karya (HK), Muhammad Fauzan, said that if the 131km-long Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road is targeted to complete construction and be ready to operate in March 2020.

He said, from the whole Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road segment 131km it is divided into 6 sections, with an average of 77 construction progress.

"Section 1 along the 9.50km, God willing, will be completed by the end of 2019," said Fauzan.

He said, for sections 2, 3 and 4 his party is still in the stage of completing the overall land acquisition. Then for sections 5 and 6 land acquisition has been completed so that it can be accelerated for construction.

Then, in the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS), a fairly difficult and time-consuming process was land acquisition. To get around this and build up according to the specified time target, the Government has its own strategy which is to apply compensation to the people who own land. Then, for the land acquisition process carried out by the government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"Including Mrs. Eselang's protest, which was carried out during the land acquisition in Kandis yesterday. We appreciate all community responses. For the land acquisition process carried out by the Ministry of PUPR and the Ministry of ATR / BPN, the price of land compensation is in accordance with the appraisal procedures performed by an independent consultant service. So for this there is no arbitrariness here, "he explained.

He stated again, if the community took legal action through the court and then it was decided, then the result of the decision was free from any intervention. "Hutama Karya as a BUMN will always obey the applicable rules and regulations," he said.

In addition to building the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road, to date Hutama Karya has built 469.5km JTTS. 179 km of them are fully operational, namely the large Bakauheni-Terbanggi section with a length of 140km, the Medan-Binjai section with a partial operation of 13km, and the Palembang-Indralaya section with a length of 22km. Then for the 189km-long Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu segment, it still operates without pay.

HK himself is also focuses on building other priority sections, so that in 2024, starting from Lampung to Aceh, 2,765km of 24 sections can be connected and fully operational.


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